
BIT - Italiano

Tul bobbinet bumbac 1.200 cm

BIT - Italiano 01. alb
Vezi toate
BIT - Italiano 01. alb
BIT - Italiano 99. negru
Teatro Regio di Parma, ''The Corsair'' The preparation in the atelier of Teatro Regio of Parma of a big backdrop made of BIT - Italiano tulle.
Teatro alla Scala, ''Idomeneo'' Veil made of 99. black BIT - Italiano tulle.Tulle is frequently used in the preparation of theatrical costumes.
Teatro Lirico din Cagliari, ''Die Feen'' The trees with the gigantic leaves have been made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin and they were sewn on a big backdrop made of 99. black BIT - Italiano tulle that develops the function of an invisible supporting net. The leaves made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin ...
... are now standing out because of a frontal illumination, while the backdrop made of BIT - Italiano tulle, thanks to the black color and to the rear-illumination coming from the RTE - Temporale backdrop, preserves its own transparency.In front of the first backdrop with the trees it has been lowered a second backdrop realized with the same technique ...
... that is sewing the big leaves made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin on an invisible backdrop made of 99. black BIT - Italiano tulle.On the background, a Fundal cu iluminare spate realized with the film Temporale sends in backlight the scene with the exception of the central group that exploits a localized illumination that reaches it from the top.
BIT - Italiano is a legătură bobbinet cotton made Tul pentru scenografie.
It is xtremely lightweight and transparent.
It is a very delicate tulle and it requires careful handling.

Short guides about tulle:
Proprietățile tul pentru scenografie
Ochiuri și culori
Reacția la foc
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
NFP 92-503 clasa M1
hexagonale 4,0 mm x 3,0 mm
100% bumbac
60 g/m²
1.200 cm
± 45 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 45 m

Rating 5.0
Efect de zid
cu lumina frontala
Rating 3.0
Proiecţie fata
Rating 5.0 alb
Rating 4.0 gri
Rating 2.0 negru
Rating 5.0 alb
Rating 4.0 gri
Rating 2.0 negru
Pentru pictura
Rating 5.0

prin metru
în bucăți întregi
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

BIT - Italiano 01. alb05. holo grey99. negruThe outlined red line identifies the position of the selvage in comparison with the mesh.

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Teatro alla Scala, ''Idomeneo''

Opera lirica

Teatro alla Scala, ''Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria''

Opera lirica

Teatro alla Scala, ''Simon Boccanegra''

Opera lirica

Teatro Lirico, ''Die Feen''

Opera lirica

Teatro Regio di Parma, ''Corsarul'

Opera lirica

Teatro Solís

Cortine pentru teatre reprezentative

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