
FNA - Nabucco

Plus marmorat 395 g / m²

Plus FNA - Nabucco 99. negru 75. albastru
Vezi toate
Plus FNA - Nabucco 64. verde
Plus FNA - Nabucco 49. plum45. roșu
Plus FNA - Nabucco 49. plum
Plus FNA - Nabucco 45. roșu
Plus FNA - Nabucco gri (special dyeing)
Teatrul Malibran, ''Scara de mătase'' Wings made of 75. blue FNA - Nabucco velvet.The colour of the velvet here is altered by the lighting ...
... and it is altered in this picture too, because the colour 75. blue is less intense and saturated.Both images, however, highlight the typical variegated and changing aspect of the FNA - Nabucco velvet.On the sides of the velvet there are some movable wings made with the rear-projection film RNB - Nebbia, another material that interacts in a unique way with the lighting.
FNA - Nabucco is a textured velvet with a changing appearance.
A particular surface treatment of the pile changes its direction in a casual and permanent way, creating areas that absorb or reflect the light in a different way depending on the direction from which the lighting comes and therefore its marbled and shimmering effect.
It is a showy and elegant velvet at the same time and it is used for rather eye-catching decorative backdrops and curtains.
Reacția la foc
ignifug permanent
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
UNI 9177 clasa 1
100% polyester
395 g / m²
140 cm
± 50 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
nu sunt disponibile

Grad de opacitate
Rating 3.5
Rating 4.5 cu captuseala HSV - Trevi
Absorbtia sunetului
Rating 3.5
Bariera fonica
Rating 1.5

în role întregi
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

FNA - Nabucco45. roșu48. visiniu49. plum64. verde75. albastru81. alba
FNA - Nabucco 92. gri98. antracit99. negru

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Teatrul Malibran, ''Scara de mătase''

Opera lirica

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