
Disco ''La Rocca''

Arona (Italy)

Terrace with Plafoane made of ARI - Reps Ignitex fabric ...
Vezi toate
... in various colours (beige, peach, pink, etc.).
Plafon with falduri convergente made of ARI - Reps Ignitex orange and yellow ...

... with bands made of white QSG - Super Glamé.
Terrace with Plafoane made of ARI - Reps Ignitex fabric ...
Plafon with falduri convergente made of white LWE - Windel.
La Rocca was a very well-known discotheque in northern Italy.
It had outdoor areas overlooking the panorama of Lake Maggiore.
A victim of the COVID-19 pandemic, it closed at the end of 2021 after 28 years of operation.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ARI - Reps Ignitex

Stofe / panze

Falduri convergente

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

LWE - Windel

Textile elastice


Rame pentru scenotehnică

QSG - Super Glamé

·Limited fabrics·

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