
Teatro Vittorio Alfieri

Asti (Italy)

The Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla manufactured with FOT - Otello velvet.The hall of the Teatro Alfieri at the end of the renovation works, in 2003, has a new aspect very close to the original, before the structural alterations at the beginning of the'900, when, similarly to other Italian theatres, the last orders of stages were dismantled in place of a gallery that could accommodate more spectators as possible.
Vezi toate
View from the stage of the Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla, here during the test of the opening mechanism.The picture shows the mechanism of the Laser rail system.Behind the curtain manufactured with FOT - Otello the safety curtain half lowered.The lining of the curtain was realized with ARI - Reps Ignitex 140, colour red.
Again the safety cortina și, la stânga, the Podul de scena.
The hall during the restructuring. It can be noticed the rebuilding, during its execution, of the last two orders of boxes which were dismantled at the period of the restructuring carried out at the beginning of the'900.
A detail of the decorations in enamelled stucco with gildings realized in 1860, as ornament of the front of the boxes, by the Milanese decorator Gaetano Speluzzi.
The proscenium arch cu a little view of the fresco that represents the Muses și the Arts that descend on Earth sent from Jupiter, this work is realized by Francesco Gonin.
The Stangi electrice placed on the Podul de scena.
The Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla manufactured with FOT - Otello velvet.The hall of the Teatro Alfieri at the end of the renovation works, in 2003, has a new aspect very close to the original, before the structural alterations at the beginning of the'900, when, similarly to other Italian theatres, the last orders of stages were dismantled in place of a gallery that could accommodate more spectators as possible.
Teatro Vittorio Alfieri este un teatru ''all'italiana'' cu a horseshoe-shaped hall cu four tiers of boxes și a gallery, 2.050 seats.
Domenico Svanascini
Gaetano Spelluzzi
Frescoes of the ceiling și historical cortina

Beginning of '900
replacement of the last two orders of stages, cu a gallery

restoration și rebuilding of the last two orders of boxes
Luciano Bosia
Structural engineer
Dario Occhi Villavecchia

Materiale utilizate în această producție

2MS - Motor S

Motoare pentru sisteme de sine

ARI - Reps Ignitex

Stofe / panze

Cortina cu deschidere greaca simpla

Tipologie de cortine

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

FOT - Otello


Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

NAG - Agremano

Franjuri și borduri decorative

NBT - Bordo traforato

Franjuri și borduri decorative

NFR - Franjuri

Franjuri și borduri decorative

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