
Teatro Lirico, ''Die Feen''


A mock-up by Beni Montresor.«The first of the succeeded repêchages of Cagliari's theater, offers Montresor the occasion to create an absolutely fantastic environment, that invents arcane symbols. It dips, overlapping them the one to the others, different tulles variedly decorated with vegetable motives in the liquid-reflecting effect of a box of mirrors. »Gaetano Miglioranzi, Dal colore alla luce, Titivillus Publisher, 2004, page 135.
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The effect of the scene during the show.The trees with the big leaves, slightly painted with opportune shadings, were made of ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin.On the background, the scene is rear-illuminated with the blue light of a Fundal cu iluminare spate made with the film RTE - Temporale.
The same scene with a different illumination.Trees and leaves were sewn on two big backdrops manufactured with black BIT - Italiano tulle, set one in front of the other to create two overlapped layers and to give depth to the scene.The wide mesh of the BIT - Italiano tulle and the black color make the backdrops almost transparent, creating the impression that trees and leaves have a their own structure and hold up by themselves.
The first of the two backdrops made of BIT - Italiano tulle with leaves made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin has been raised here.«This way, from the dark atmospheres typically wagnerian of precipices, he passes with enchantment to the magic lightness of the ''palace of the woods'', in which the musical softness of a young Wagner is exalted, and sometimes remembers that of Mozart.»
The maquette of another scene, in which it is foreseen the use of a composite backdrop made of painted ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin (the rocks on the sides) and painted BGO - Gobelin tulle (the sky in the middle).In the background a rear-illuminated screen made of RTE - Temporale gives depth to the sky.
The realization of scene showed in previos maquette.The backdrops were painted by Paolino Libralato, irreplaceable collaborator of Montresor during the last decade of his life.To accent further the three-dimensionality of the scene, in front of the composite backdrop, on the sides, were put two scenes made of ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm, shaped and framed, painted always with the motive of the rocks.
Another view of the same scene.As Montresors loved to do, the reflecting walls in which there are the entrances in the scene, were made of ZSK - Ultralight Mirrors, while the floor of the stage is covered with a mirroring rolled material.
The previous scene is here completed by a central panel on which is represented, painted on ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin, a layer of diamonds.
Great romantic opera in trei acte
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Richard Wagner
from the dramatic fable The Snake Woman by Carlo Gozzi
Prima reprezentatie

costume design,
light design,
directia scenica
Beni Montresor (1926-2001)
Paolino Libralato
Directia tehnica
Massimo Teoldi

Teatro Lirico of Cagliari
1998 / 1999

Video & Documentare

Paolino Libralato at work 1

Paolino Libralato at work 2

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ASC - Sceno

Stofe / panze

Beni Montresor

Maestrii ai scenei

BGO - Gobelin


BIT - Italiano


RTE - Temporale

Folii retroproiecție

ZSK - Ultralight Mirror

Oglinzi / fundaluri transparente

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor