
Teatro Comunale, ''Orphée et Eurydice''


The scenographic representation of the afterlife that David and Frédèrico Alagna created thanks to a big Print digital pe fundal cu iluminare spate, 20 m wide and 12 m high ...
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... realized with the film RAR - Arizona, on which is delineated a spine-chilling northern landscape in which the souls fluctuate in the vacuum.
Made of white HSE - Tempesta silk, the amazing costume designed by Carla Teti seems to transform, with the levitation of Euridice ...
... in a surrealist quotation, almost a homage to that Cocteaus that the Alagna brothers quoted among the sources of inspiration of their work.
Also the cemetery was made with a second Print digital pe fundal cu iluminare spate, 20 m wide and 12 m high ...
... made with the film for rear-projections RAR - Arizona.
The epilogue in which Orfeo decides to abdicate the life and, set himself in the coffin together with Euridice, he is lowered in the pit. It is in evidence the Mascatura scena made of CPA - Boccascena of the Teatro Comunale.
The celebrations of the wedding among the two protagonists, in which the contemporary setting is underlined by the costumes.
Theatrical action in trei acte
Prima reprezentatie
Vienna, Burgtheater, 5/10/1762

David Alagna
Frédèrico Alagna
Carla Teti
Light design
Aldo Solbiati
Workshop scenografic
Art Project Srl
Directia tehnica
Directia scenica
David Alagna

Teatro Comunale of Bologna

Materiale utilizate în această producție

CPA - Boccascena

Textile opace

HRT - Rasetto Texturé

Matase și satin

HSE - Tempesta

Matase și satin

Mascatura scena

Cortine acustice

Print digital pe fundaluri luminat din spate

RAR - Arizona

Folii retroproiecție

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor