
HSE - Tempesta

Mătase pentru scenografie

Mătase HSE - Tempesta 95. gri in half-transparency.
Vezi toate
Teatro de la Maestranza, ''Tannhäuser'' Big sails made of HSE - Tempesta silk 45. red that underlines the extreme lightness and sensibility to the wind of this fabric.
Teatro Verdi din Trieste, ''La Tragédie de Salomè'' Mătase HSE - Tempesta72. albastru deschis
Piccolo Teatro, ''The Tempest'' A preparation that belongs to the history of the modern scenography: Luciano Damiani experimented in a revolutionary and definitive way the use of the silk for scenography, that since then on, in Italy - and in many other countries - it was called ...
... HSE - Tempesta silk.Damiani used the lightness of the HSE - Tempesta silk to create a shaken and fluctuating surface that simulated the stormy sea, having under the backdrop made of silk numerous actors that shook upward their arms.
Piccolo Teatro, ''Faust, fragments'' Projections on a big spiral backdrop made of white HSE - Tempesta silk realized for a famous preparation by Josef Svoboda.
Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro'' Small vaulting backdrops made of white HSE - Tempesta silk in a scene that also uses a backdrop made of threads NTR - Tripolina.
Teatro San Carlo, ''Tristan und Isolde'' The transparency of the white draperies made of HSE - Tempesta silk, placed side by side to the black ones made of EVT - Light Sceno Poly that have been stretched on the frames.The sea is a realization performed with QSK - Retrafilm.
HSE - Tempesta silk is a natural silk for scenography.
It is a timeless fabric of ancient origin, the synthetic imitations such as the artificial silks HSP - Tempesta Poly and HSX - Sintex are superior in width, resistance and fireproofing, but are unable to fully imitate its impalpability and light reaction properties.
Its lightness makes it almost endowed with a life of its own, an imperceptible movement of the air is enough to make the surface of even large backdrops vibrate.
A wind effect, on the other hand, makes them swell in a spectacular way.
It is used for the creation of flat scenographic backdrops, sometimes with Deschidere greacă, for draped curtains, in strips for choreographic movements.
Some famous installations by Josef Svoboda and Luciano Damiani have handed it down to history as a queen of the stage and, to date, the relative fragility and defects typical of a fabric still produced with artisanal standards are not enough to overshadow it.
It is also used in the HSE - Tempesta print digital and HSK - Tempesta Stropicciata versions.
Reacția la foc
nu este ignifugat (numai alb)
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
EN 13773 clasa 1
100% matase
22 g / m²
140 cm
± 50 m
± 100 m (nu este ignifugat)
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
Cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 200 m

Rating 5.0 aproape impalpabil, pentru fundaluri vaporoase
contra luminii
Rating 4.5
Efect de zid
la iluminare frontal
Rating 5.0
Iluminare faţă
Rating 5.0 alb, gri
Iluminare spate
Rating 5.0 alb, gri
Pentru pictura
Rating 1.5
Pentru print digital
Rating 4.0 Vezi: HSE - Tempesta print digital

prin metru
în role întregi
în realizări la comandă

Graficul de culoare

HSE140S - Tempesta - Ignifugat 01. alb45. roșu72. albastru deschis75. albastru95. gri99. negru
HSE140S - Tempesta - Ignifugat Culori speciale disponibile în prezent23. galben * (153 m)63. verde chroma key * (5.5 m)* disponibilitate limitată la cantitatea indicată
HSE140N - Tempesta - Nu este ignifugat 01. alb

Video & Documentare

Tiziano Ferro, ''AME'': test kabuki curtain made of Tempesta silk

Arena Sferisterio, ''Les contes d'Hoffmann'': kabuki backdrop made of Tempesta silk

Arena Sferisterio, ''Les contes d'Hoffmann'': backdrop made of Tempesta silk

Tiziano Ferro, ''AME'': kabuki curtain made of Tempesta silk

Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro''

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, ''Nabucco''

Opera lirica

Eros Ramazzotti, ''Ali e Radici''


Intrunire Fiumicino


Luciano Ligabue, ''Tour Ellesette''


Piccolo Teatro, ''Faust, fragments''


Piccolo Teatro, ''Fortuna''


Ravenna Festival, ''Pietra di diaspro''

Opera lirica

Teatro alla Scala, ''L'altro Casanova''


Teatro alla Scala, ''Simon Boccanegra''

Opera lirica

Teatro Amilcare Ponchielli, ''Andromeda liberata''

Opera lirica

Teatro Comunale, ''Orphée et Eurydice''

Opera lirica

Teatro de la Maestranza, ''Tannhäuser''

Opera lirica

Teatro de la Zarzuela, ''El niño judío''

Opereta, zarzuela, musical

Teatro del Canguro, ''Cielomaresoleluna''


Teatro della Pergola, ''Memoriile lui Hadrian''


Teatro Massimo, ''Vecerniile siciliene''

Opera lirica

Teatro Pergolesi, ''Don Giovanni''

Opera lirica

Teatro Sociale di Rovigo, ''Otello''

Opera lirica

Teatro Stabile di Torino, ''Operette Morali''


Teatro Verdi di Padova, ''Aida''

Opera lirica

Teatrul La Fenice, ''Il killer di parole''

Opera lirica

Teatrul San Carlo, ''Paganini''


Teatrul San Carlo, ''Tristan und Isolde''

Opera lirica

Tiziano Ferro, ''Alla mia età''


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