HSE - Tempesta silk is a natural silk for scenography.
It is a timeless fabric of ancient origin, the synthetic imitations such as the artificial silks
HSP - Tempesta Poly and
HSX - Sintex are superior in width, resistance and fireproofing, but are unable to fully imitate its impalpability and light reaction properties.
Its lightness makes it almost endowed with a life of its own, an imperceptible movement of the air is enough to make the surface of even large backdrops
A wind effect, on the other hand, makes them
swell in a spectacular way.
It is used for the creation of
flat scenographic backdrops, sometimes with
Deschidere greacă, for
draped curtains, in
strips for choreographic movements.
Some famous installations by
Josef Svoboda and
Luciano Damiani have handed it down to history as a queen of the stage and, to date, the relative fragility and defects typical of a fabric still produced with artisanal standards are not enough to overshadow it.
It is also used in the
HSE - Tempesta print digital and
HSK - Tempesta Stropicciata versions.
Reacția la foc
nu este ignifugat (numai alb)
EN 13501-1 clasa B s1 d0
EN 13773 clasa 1
± 50 m
± 100 m (nu este ignifugat)
Culorile disponibile
consultați graficul de culoare
Culori personalizate
Cantitatea minima pentru comanda ± 200 m

aproape impalpabil, pentru fundaluri vaporoase
contra luminii
Efect de zid
la iluminare frontal
Iluminare faţă

alb, gri
Iluminare spate

alb, gri
Pentru print digital

HSE - Tempesta print digital
prin metru
în role întregi
în realizări la comandă