
QSK - Retrafilm

Folie oglindă termoretractabila

The QSK - Retrafilm is extremely thin, almost impalpable.The film can be fixed to a special aluminum frame to obtain ...
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... of mirror panels ZSK - Ultralight Mirror.The absence of elasticity of the QSK - Retrafilm provokes the impossibility to fix it to a frame without some folds, especially in proximity of the corners, however ...
... the heat produced by a hot air generator causes the QSK - Retrafilm to stretch ...
... which retracts until it stretches out perfectly ...
... as shown by this detail of a mirror heat-shrink panel made with QSK - Retrafilm film.
The prelucrarea of a ZSK - Ultralight Mirror.
Hamama Showroom The QSK - Retrafilm is also used for the making of creased backdrops.
The QSK - Retrafilm is extremely thin, almost impalpable.The film can be fixed to a special aluminum frame to obtain ...
QSK - Retrafilm is a very light transparent polyester film covered with an aluminum veil which, if properly stretched, creates a mirroring surface of excellent quality.
The film is thermosensitive, it shrinks at temperatures above 70 °C, a property that is used to stretch it perfectly on special aluminum frames, creating mirror panels characterized by extreme lightness, exceptional sharpness of reflection, absence of danger and transparency in backlighting (lower than that of QSM - Magic Mirror Film).
The film strips can be joined with a transparent adhesive tape on the back to create crumpled backdrops with original reflective characteristics, very sensitive to air movement and slightly noisy.
The film is very resistant to traction and not very resistant to tearing.
Reacția la foc
greu inflamabil
film din poliester + vapori de aluminiu
30 g/m²
0,02 mm
246 cm
1.000 m
Metoda de ambalare
Culorile disponibile
Culori personalizate
nu sunt disponibile

Reflexia luminii
Rating 5.0
contra luminii
Rating 4.0
se intinde prin expunerea la o sursa de aer cald

în rulouri de 20 m lungime
în realizări la comandă ZSK - Ultralight Mirror și QSK - Retrafilm creased backdrops

Graficul de culoare

QSK - Retrafilm01. argintiu

Acest material a fost folosit pentru...

Hamama showroom

Spații comerciale.

ZSK - Ultralight Mirror

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