
Piccolo Teatro, ''Fortuna''


The original scenographical instalare conceived by Luciano Damiani, cu the ample proscenium in front on the stage și the big shutters opened on it.
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The sketches by Damianiillustrate the use of a big backdrop made of HSE - Tempesta silk with confectionare fără falduri to stylize the waves of the sea.Damiani used the lightness of the silk ...
... to create a fluctuating very shaken surface that simulated the stormy sea.
He got it placing under the backdrop made of HSE - Tempesta silk several mimes shooking upward their arms ...
... and it was a brilliant scenographical invention that characterized the show and that was an epoch-making event.
The staging of the famous effect conceived by Damiani.The background lighting is obtained with a Ciclorama cu iluminare spate made of the film RTE - Temporale.
Luciano Damiani used the HSE - Tempesta silk, one of his preferred scenographical materials, also to realize a big semitransparent sail ...
... that was shaked by the wind of the storm.
An installation that belongs to the history of modern scenography.
Luciano Damiani experimented in a revolutionary and definitive way the use of the silk for scenography, that since then on, in Italy - and in many other countries - it was called HSE - Tempesta silk.
It is memorable the stylization of the waves of the sea, created by the movement of the arms and heads of actors that stood in front of the stage below a big backdrop made of HSE - Tempesta silk, precisely.
Tragedie in cinci acte
Prima reprezentatie
London, Whitehall Palace, 1611

Construction responsible
Aurelio Caracci
Directia scenica

1977 / 1978

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Confectionare fără falduri

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

HSE - Tempesta

Matase și satin

Luciano Damiani

Maestrii ai scenei

RTE - Temporale

Folii retroproiecție

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor