
Lighting company booth #1

Rimini (Italy)

Backdrops with confectionare fără falduri ...
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... made of white ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin.

Example of use of the white ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin for frontal illumination and rear-llumination.
The preparation used a backdrop of 15 m of width and 7,5 m of height and two smaller backdrops to close the sides of the booth.
Two backdrops of 6 m of width and 3 m of height had been installed on two curved structures installed on the front of the booth and they too had been used for effects of frontal illumination and rear-illumination.

Materiale utilizate în această producție

ASC - Sceno

Stofe / panze

Confectionare fără falduri

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