
Teatro della Pergola, ''Tatăl''


The sketch by the scenographer Alessandro Camera, who planned to use the 460. purple red FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet.The vertical velvet artifacts are 10 wings 14 m high and from 1 ti 3 m wide, all made with 190% falduri verticale.At the top, not visible in the sketch, there is a 13 x h 3 m valance in two parts made with 190% falduri concentrice.
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The mounting on the stage of the Teatro della Pergola of the scenographic carpet made of red FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet and of the valance with falduri concentrice ...
... which is brought up here.And when the installation is ended ...
... here is the scene, complete of all the props.A Fundal cu iluminare spate made of RAR - Arizona is used to create the different external light conditions visible through the large window from which, at times, we witness some snowfalls against the light, that are simulated with the use of QNS - Bianca synthetic snow.The wings made of FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet can be moved ...
... along a Kompas track system and they assume various positions during the unfolding of the tragedy.The stage carpet, which measures 15 x 10 m ...
... is also made of red FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet and it lays on the floorboard in a rather wavy and rippled way.All the props, the pendulum, the table, the sofa, the armchairs ...
... have lost their verticality and are in a precarious balance, like the mental and emotional one of the protagonist.The sofa and the armchairs are covered with the same velvet that envelops the entire scene.
The sketch by the scenographer Alessandro Camera, who planned to use the 460. purple red FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet.The vertical velvet artifacts are 10 wings 14 m high and from 1 ti 3 m wide, all made with 190% falduri verticale.At the top, not visible in the sketch, there is a 13 x h 3 m valance in two parts made with 190% falduri concentrice.
Tragic opera in trei acte
August Strindberg (1849-1912)
Prima reprezentatie
Copenhagen, Casino-teatern, 1887

Alessandro Camera
Andrea Viotti
Light design
Michelangelo Vitullo
Directia tehnica
Luigi Perla
Directia scenica

Teatro della Pergola din Florența

Materiale utilizate în această producție

1K - Kompas

Sisteme de șine

Closed sets

Rame pentru scenotehnică

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

Falduri concentrice

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

FMB - Macbeth 400


Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

QNS - Bianca

Materiale decorative

RAR - Arizona

Folii retroproiecție

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor