
Teatro dell'Opera, ''Zaide''


One of the characters of Mozart's unfinished opera crosses the stalls and heads towards the stage, which has been transformed into a real construction site, with scaffolding and the typical orange protective net.
Vezi toate
There is also a pile of sand, a yellow conveyor for the rubble, the red and white tape ...
... and the panels in corrugated galvanized metal sheet, while ...

... in a later scene, water is flowing copiously on the back of a large Fundal transparent Ghiaccio.
The Fundal transparent Ghiaccio, which measures 20 x h 10.43 m, was created, according to the indications of the set designer Italo Grassi and of the Scenographic workshop of the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, with a finish along the bottom side that allows to collect and channel the water.
The QGH - Ghiaccio film was scenographed on the back to accentuate the effect of the flowing water.
Singspiel neterminat în două acte
Johann Andreas Schachtner
Italo Calvino
Prima reprezentatie
Frankfurt, Oper Frankfurt, 27/1/1866

Italo Grassi
Light design
Giuseppe Di Iorio
Directia tehnica
Michele Della Cioppa
Directia scenica
Graham Vick (1953-2021)


Video & Documentare

Teatro dell'Opera din Roma, ''Zaide''

Materiale utilizate în această producție

QGH - Ghiaccio

Folii decorative

ZFG - Fundaluri din QGH - Ghiaccio

Oglinzi / fundaluri transparente

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor