
Teatro alla Scala, ''Tosca''


A famous scenography that reproduces in reverse, but with equal virtuosity, the intentions of the Baroque quadraturist painters.If their frescoes made flat surfaces illusorily three-dimensional, the stage designer Margherita Palli does the opposite: she reconstructs the depth of reality by taking it from the two dimensions of the quadrature.
Vezi toate
The execution, which masterfully supports the scenographic concept, is the work of the craftsmen of the Scenographical sorkshop of Teatro alla Scala, who reconstructed the architectural elements and Baroque ornaments with various scenographic techniques.The parts that reproduce the frescoes were made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin ...
... while the three-dimensional elements that imitate marble and stucco, already amazing for the accentuated and contrasting perspective lines, are also admirable for the accuracy and mastery of the scenographic execution, which made extensive use of GGI - Siria gauze to consolidate their surfaces before the paint finish.The effect of the contrast between the design and executive expertise and the imbalance of the architectural distortions of the result ...
... is completely jarring and is, namely, the one pursued by the direction of Luca Ronconi.In this scene, the effect is underlined by the desolation obtained with the greenish gray dégradé of the Fundal cu iluminare spate made of RAR - Arizona, which contributes:«... to restore the sense of disaster that was the anticlerical interpretative key of the opera.»Anna Maria Monteverdi.
Melodrama in trei acte
Giacomo Puccini, (1858-1924)
Prima reprezentatie
Rome, Teatro Costanzi, 14/1/1900

Vera Marzot (1931-2012)
Light design
Gianni Mantovanini
Directia scenica
Luca Ronconi (1933-2015)


Materiale utilizate în această producție

ASC - Sceno

Stofe / panze

Fundaluri cu iluminare spate

Fundaluri din folie de vinil: tipologii

GGI - Siria


RAR - Arizona

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