The Palaexpo Locarno is a large multifunctional building which main hall has a 2,100 m² area and a capacity of up to 3,200 seats.
The room can be configured to host conferences, film screenings, seminars, banquets, cocktails and concerts.
The acoustics of the hall have been fine-tuned with Cortine acustice made of blue FTA - Tancredi 500 velvet on the walls to optimize the reverberation.
A large 7 layers Cortina fonica, of which the two external are made of blue FTA - Tancredi 500 velvet, can separate the hall into two distinct areas.
Made up in 4 parts joined together with Velcro, it measures 29.6 x h 9.9 m and weighs a total of 1,200 kg.