
Teatro Pergolesi, ''Don Giovanni''


Cortina austriaca made of black HSE - Tempesta silk.- size 14 x h 7 m- falduri orizontale 200%- falduri verticale 40%- 29 lifting points- 28 draped columns, width 50 cm eachThe curtain was raised ...
Vezi toate
... with a Deschidere ghilotina, that is, in its entirety, without grouping the fabric from the bottom up.The black HSE - Tempesta silk is here illuminated from the front and it shows no transparency.
The sketch by the scenographer Stuart Nunn for a second and bigger Cortina austriaca to be made again of ...
... black HSE - Tempesta silk.- size 24 x h 7,5 m- falduri orizontale 200%- falduri verticale 40%- 49 lifting points- 48 draped columns, width 50 cm eachThis curtain instead used ...
... an Deschidere austriacă system and it was installed as a hemicycle.The area behind the curtain is illuminated here and it can be seen in transparence through the black HSE - Tempesta silk.The curtain was masked, at the top, by a border made of black COS - Oscurante molton, 23.5 x h 2.8 m.
The stage behind the Cortina austriaca has been darkened here.Through the black HSE - Tempesta silk you can see the silhouettes of a bird, a rose and a butterfly made with LED strips.
Here, however, every light behind the Cortina austriaca has been turned off ...
... and here the front lighting is slightly increased ...
Tragicomedie in doua acte
Prima reprezentatie
Prague, Estates Theatre, 29/10/1787

Stuart Nunn
Light design
Giuseppe Di Iorio
Ron Howell
Directia tehnica
Directia scenica
Graham Vick (1953-2021)

Co-productie with

Materiale utilizate în această producție

Cortina cu deschidere austriaca

Tipologie de cortine

Cortina cu deschidere tip ghilotina

Tipologie de cortine

COS - Oscurante

Textile opace

Falduri orizontale

Ţesătură: tipuri de executare

HSE - Tempesta

Matase și satin

Informatii despre prelucrarea datelor