
Festival Mozart, ''Il re pastore''

La Coruña

The painter and sculptor José Hernández founded his scenography on six painted backdrops made of ASC - Sceno muslin, 13 m wide and 7 m high, that evoke the spatial frames mentioned in the libretto.In the image, the sketch of a backdrop entitled Paisaje bucólico (Bucolic landscape).
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The backdrop Paisaje bucólico on stage.
The floor of the stage is covered with a backdrop made of black ATS - Toscana canvas ...
... suitably painted and covered with small diameter mineral debris.
The sketch of the backdrop Bosque (Wood) and ...
... the painter Manel Alcántara at the end of the work on the backdrop.
After the ASC - Sceno muslin backdrops had been painted, they returned in the sewing workshop in order to be submitted to the finishing works.
The backdrop Bosque, after the finishing works, is going to be packed and shipped to La Coruña ...
Serenade in two acts
First night
Salzburg, Palace of the Archbishop, 23/4/1775

Costume design
Light design
Pictorial realizations
Manel Alcántara
Scenographical workshop
Pinto's - Miguel Brayda
Stage direction
Eduardo Vasco

Palacio de la Ópera of La Coruña
2007 - Festival Mozart

The nineteen year-old Mozart was entrusted by the archbishop of Salzburg to compose The King Shepherd on the occasion of the passage of the archduke Maximilian, the last-born son of the empress Maria Theresia von Österreich.
The first execution happened in front of the archduke, at the Archiepiscopal Palace, and it was conducted by the author.
The definition ''serenade'', attributed to the composition by the same Mozart, is probably due to the absence of a stage installation with which the first representation was programmed.

Materials used in this production

ATS - Toscana

Muslin and canvas

Flat making

Fabric: tailoring types

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