
Tib Teatro, ''FIRMAmenTO GALILEO''

Belluno (Italy)

The Crossing curtain, that is 14 m wide and 6 m high, is stretched on a hemicyclic Self-supporting sectional frame.The modularity and the realization of aluminum of the frame allow an easy transport and the adaptation of the backdrop to stages with differents heights.
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The backdrop / curtain / spyglass of Galileo was made up of LBE - Perolastic 14 cm strips and constitutes, with some objects, the whole scenography of the show.The backdrop is employed as if it were a small ciclorama that uses both the frontal illumination ...
... and the illumination from the back.The backlighting sometimes underlines the function of separation of the Crossing curtain, symbolically underlining the distance between Galileo ...
... and his interlocutors.Or it is used for representing the visions of Galileo «... suggested by the lucidity of the mind, even though in the dark of the blindness that accompanies his old age.»Daniela Nicosia, from the notes of the direction.
The four female characters are interpreted by the same actress, that «... proposes herself, through the different characters, like an enigmatic alter ego, sometimes ironic, sometimes sweet and impassioned, of the hot-tempered and vital genius.»
Between the inside and the outside the dialogue is possible at times, even though through a barrier. A barrier that separates several worlds: that of the science and that dogmatic, that masculine and that feminine, that inner and that of the society, and so on.
The barrier among the characters, nevertheless, is not insurmountable.Favored by the symbolic and scenographical functionalities of the curtain, with a small effort of their will, the four women of Galileo have the possibility - and the privilege - to open some small rips through which ...
... they can enter the world of the scientist / philosopher.The spyglass, tool for excellence of the inquiring activity of Galileo, is represented here in its own inside with a shape of a hemicycle and ...
Galileo's reflections take place inside a gigantic monocular, scenographically evoked by a hemicycle created with a Crossing curtain made of LBE - Perolastic bands that separates the world of the Pisan astronomer from the outside.
A membrane that is permeable to the passage of four women only: the mother of Galileo, Julia Ammannati, his daughter Virginia, known by her monastic order as Sister Maria Celeste, his lover Marina Gamba, i.e. the mother of Virginia and the ruler that it will stay nearby him up to the end.
Text, direction, scenography
Daniela Nicosia
Solimano Pontarollo and Piera Ardessi
Musical consultation
Paolo Da Col
Lighting, sound
Paolo Pellicciari
Technical direction
Luigino Marchetti
Construction objects of scene
Luigi Bortot
Costumes' realization
Atelier Raptus & Rose

Tib Teatro in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Padova-Dipartimento di Astronomia and Fondazione Teatri delle Dolomiti

Materials used in this production

9TM - Metal frames

Frames for stagecraft

COS - Oscurante

Duvetyne and blackout fabrics

Crossing curtains

Typology of curtain

LBE - Perolastic

Elastic fabrics

Information on data processing