
Театр Карл Феликс, ''Любовный напиток''


Задник из тюля BGO - Gobelin с нарисованным садом ...
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... как бы проявляется за актерами, благодаря фронтальной подсветке.The tulle had been lowered in front of the entrance to the farm ...
... that Emanuele Luzzati created with three wooden Portals covered with ASC - Sceno muslin on which the architecture of the building was painted.Behind the portals, some Half portals and Set pieces built with the same technique depict a wood which trees give further depth to the space, thanks also to the ASC - Sceno muslin background painted with a sunset sky ...
... that can be used with different lighting situations.Here the lighting on the backdrop has been lowered and the one on the trees has been turned off, transforming them into silhouettes.In the scene coexist toy soldiers inspired by the tin ones ...
... backdrops with dreamlike backgrounds, lush gardens and intellectual references, in an amalgam well supported by the direction by Filippo Crivelli and completed by the costumes by Santuzza Calì.While a red sunset light illuminates the large painted muslin backdrop ...
... Dulcamara starts his show.He is more of a sorcerer than the backyard barker he is used to, and he does not enter the scene with the usual cart, but emerges from a magical closet ...
... which suddenly materializes among the inhabitants of the country village.The characterization that Luzzati infuses every detail is typical of his scenography and, as always, it is unmistakable.
Декорация была реализована в 1994, но она регулярно ставится до сих пор, с большим успехом.
Сценографическая интерпретация, которая никак не вписывается в каноны традиционных постановок мелодрамы Доницетти, она отрывается от сельского стереотипа, и переносит нас в мир фантазий, в котором моментально узнается автор - знаменитый иллюстратор и сценограф Emanuele Luzzati.
Игривая мелодрама в двух актах
Милан, Teatro della Cannobiana, 12/5/1832

Роспись фонов
Props and Decors
Техническое руководство
Gian Franco Padovani

2003 / 2004, resumption of the staging of the season 1993 / 1994

Используемые материалы

ASC - Sceno


BGO - Gobelin

Тюль и сетки

Emanuele Luzzati

Мастера сценографии

Scenographic quadratures

Рамы для сценографии

Set pieces

Рамы для сценографии

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