
Арнальдо Поmодоро


Театр алла Скала, ''Teneke'' Shiny materials, artificial and modern such as TST - Silviastar floor, alternate, in the scenograhies of Teneke, some traditional raw materials, such as AJT - Hessian and ATS - Toscana.
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The contrast between the reverberations of nocturne lights in the rice-fields, represented abstractly with the TST - Silviastar floor and the mud realized by the workshops of the Teatro Alla Scala using the AJT - Hessian jute.
The very elaborated succession of lines that surrounds the protagonist of Teneke recalls the spheres and the solids with smooth surfaces sculpted by Арнальдо Помодоро, whose sudden cracks let glimpse very complex contents.
Театр Ла Фениче, ''Сельская честь'' Театральная циклорама для рир-подсветки и рир-проекции из материала RNV - Nevada ...
... размером 38 x 16 м.
Teatro La Fenice, Šárka
Abstract sculptor, one of the majors of the contemporaneousness, Арнальдо Помодоро (Morciano di Romagna 1926) began his carrier as a scenographer in 1953, when he designed the scenes and costumes for an installation of Oreste by Витто́рио Альфье́ри in collaboration with Giorgio Perfetti.
The scenic activity of Помодоро develops in a systematic way since the early '80s, with the important tasks conferred by the Римский оперный театр of Rome and the Театр Массимо, Палермо.
In 1986 he begins the collaboration with the tunisian director Chérif, who will assist in theatre with numerous scenographical collaborations, founding, with him and the Italian actress Алида Валли, the theatrical company of La Famiglia delle Ortiche.
«When I project the scenographies and costumes [ … ] I try to use the power of abstraction [ … ] I don't care about an illustrative or celebrative scenography, the task of scenographer, in fact, is to ''mediate'' the text visually with inventiveness and imagination for a new audience in another and different historical period.»
From an interview with Sandro Parmiggiani, 2006.

Используемые материалы

Театр Ла Фениче, ''Сельская честь''


Театр алла Скала, ''Teneke''


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