
I Legnanesi

Леньяно (Италия)

Сцена из Pover Crist Superstar (2006/2007), название которой воспроизводит на ломбардийском диалекте название известного мюзикла Тома Райса и Эндрю Ллойда Вебера.Художник-постановщик Alessandra Bortolozzo намеренно использовал двухмерность задника из муслина ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm расписанного в стиле ''наив'', для отражения характера персонажей I Legnanesi, the interior of an old milanese ''railing house'' in its details: the wooden ceiling, the bricks of scabbed walls, the window with the small curtains, the pictures, the commode, the lamp with lens-screen and an ''economic stove'', until the 50's ...
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the undisputed protagonist of Italian popular homes. Facing the backdrop, some true vintage items: the toilet with reclining mirror, the wrought iron bed, the table.The Colombo of Legnano, exhilarating paradigm of the Lombard yester-year family that the texts by Felice Musazzi and Antonio Provasio made famous throughout Italy.The scene is an emblematic situation in which it is admirably summed up even from the scenic point of view the philosophy of the Lombard Group,
... based on the mixture between the real sociological data (the costumes often taken from daily clothing, authentic furnishings, the use of the dialect) and the absolute fiction (the disguise, the painted backdrop that is hung without care in the hiding of imperfections and folds, to show off, over the fiction, the amateurish origin of the company too).Working during the day and reciting at night - Felice Musazzi and several of his stage companions were employees at Franco Tosi, a known mechanical industry of Legnano - the dialect company created ...
... a real prototype of Commedia dell'arte that, soaked of healthy and sincere populism, became a representation of the theatrical ''fourth state'', in contrast with the cultured theatre, backed by considerable financial means.A representation that, a bit at a time, after decades of immense popularity among the public, since 1949 I Legnanesi produce a show a year, was understood and appreciated also by the critics.In the picture, Felice Musazzi in the role of ''la Teresa'' ...
... and here his partner Tony Barlocco in the role of ''la Mabilia''.To the character of ''the Teresa'' (with the article, like they say in Lombardy), a woman of humble conditions and no instruction but with the common sense of simple people, are given the ungrammatical comicness and satire of modern society, medley of contradictions and incomprehensible injustices to the characters that inhabit the popular courtyards that serve as a background to the events narrated by I Legnanesi.''La Teresa'' was created and interpreted ...
... for decades by the same Musazzi that after beginnings that drew often on the improvisation, refined the character characterizing it with irresistible comedians tempos for a not only popular audience.For instance, also Giorgio Strehler was crazy about Musazzi: he didn't hid to consider him «the best Italian actress» and he even decided to propose him a part in one of his Goldonian installation.
Фото сделано во время репетиции.Подъемы ступеней отделаны MPD - Pelle di Diavolo, цвет 2. серебристый.Этот материал очень популярен в жанре мюзиклов и камерных шоу.
Блестящий фон на заднем плане - это драпированный задник из MPD - Pelle di Diavolo, цвет 24. переливчатый.Этот классический китч на ревю 50-х годов реализован в нарочито нелепом приходском стиле ...
Труппа I Legnanesi была образована в шутку, в 1949, в Legnano, группой друзей под предводительством Felice Musazzi (Парабьяго 1921-Леньяно 1989).
Исключительно мужской состав труппы обусловлен древним церковным правилом, которое запрещало женщинам играть на одной сцене с мужчинами, поэтому все женские роли исполняли переодетые мужчины.
I Legnanesi получили известность, поставив некоторые местные истории на диалекте Ломбардийской провинции: «The handrail runs in our soul», как говорится в их известном афоризме.
Многочисленные награды критиков, и прежде всего популярность среди телевизионной аудитории, принесли успех труппе, которая сегодня считается ключевой в итальянском диалектном театре.
Felice Musazzi
Antonio Provasio
Alessandra Bortolozzo
Enrico Dalceri
Enrico Dalceri
Anotnio Provasio

Используемые материалы

AJC - Juta FR


ASC - Sceno


FBR - Bruxelles

·Limited fabrics·

MPD - Pelle di Diavolo

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