
Театр сарсуэлы, ''La Generala''


The sketch by Daniel Bianco which was used for the realization of the first scene, which takes place in the palace of the royal family in the imaginary town of Molavia.The sketch was used ...
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... for the built part of the scene, a classic Closed set, here in the scenography workshop during its realization ...
... and here on stage during the performance.And it was also used for the making ...
... of a framed BGO - Gobelin с печатью tulle backdrop with decorative motifs identical to those in stucco of the walls of the constructed scene.The parts that make up the backdrop are stretched here on the frame.Daniel Bianco used the tulle backdrop to create a fourth wall with variable transparency which ...
Using scenographic tricks, Daniel Bianco has created the illusion that the action takes place inside a mansion made up of a succession of identical halls.The first hall, starting from the audience side, is the one that has the BGO - Gobelin с печатью tulle as a back wall.Two doors, opening on the tulle, give access to the built hall ...
... of which, with appropriate regulation of the lights on the backdrop, the interior can be seen in transparency, as happens in the instant in which this photograph was taken.Symmetrically, on the back wall of the built hall, two doors open onto a third hall, which in reality has not been built, but of which two other closed doors can be seen, which suggest that there is a fourth hall behind them similar to the previous ones.
The plot of La Generala, which follows the tortuous attempts to arrange a marriage of convenience for the son of the king of Molavia, including the plots of the enterprising wife of a general, does not lend itself in the least to a probable staging.This second scene therefore uses a merry-go-round, shown here in the course of its realization, which uses for the cover twelve trapezoids painted on ASC - Sceno muslin with cherubs, medallions and exotic animals ...
Оперетта в двух актах
Amadeo Vives (1871-1932)
Guillermo Perrín y Vico
Manuel de Palacios
Мадрид, Gran Teatro de Madrid, 14/6/1912

Jesùs Ruiz
Художник по свету
Eduardo Bravo (A.A.I.)
Nuria Castejón


Используемые материалы

Кабинет (кулисы и падуги)

Акустические фоны

ARI - Reps Ignitex


ASC - Sceno


ASL - Light Sceno

Легкие холсты

BGO - Gobelin с печатью

Печать на ткани

Closed sets

Рамы для сценографии

FBR - Bruxelles

·Limited fabrics·

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