
Театр Карл Феликс, ''Вертер''


The ouverture is ending.A grey BGO - Gobelin tulle backdrop that veils the proscenium is raised (the horizontal black line is its Верхняя рейка) ...
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... while the characters who enter the scene drag with them from the wings two low hedges ( Ground rows ) painted on ASC - Sceno muslin.The large tondo with the portrait of the young Goethe, painted on framed ASC - Sceno muslin, is suspended between the tulle and the background of the scene, which is illuminated ...
... by a Бэклит-циклорама made of RTE - Temporale film.While the scene is backlit, a new backdrop is lowered between the ground rows and the cyclorama.It was made by sewing the lower part, made of shaped ASC - Sceno muslin, on which the foliage of other hedges and shrubs was painted ...
... on a semitransparent clouded sky painted on BGO - Gobelin tulle.The lighting has changed in the meantime.The new backdrop now receives the light also from the front, highlighting the foliage painted on the muslin, in the lower part, and the clouds painted on the tulle, from which the backlighting of the cyclorama filters slightly.The backdrop, made by Paolino Libralato ...
... in this new photograph is illuminated frontally, in the upper part, with blue light.The scenography amazes for its simplicity: it uses a backlit backdrop, a composite made of muslin and tulle, two low stage elements (the ground rows) and some chairs.And two side walls, in which the two doors represent the entrance and exit from life.
A new change of scene began with the raising of the backdrop with the hedge and now it ends ...
... with the descent of another semitransparent backdrop made with a painted ASC1000S - Sceno 1.000 cm muslin silhouette which represents a large tree.It is sewn on a background of BGO - Gobelin tulle with a painted sky, here not visible due to the backlight created with the RTE - Temporale cyclorama that backlights the entire scene.
The clouds are painted on the BGO - Gobelin tulle backdrop and are made to appear with the frontal illumination of the areas on the sides of the tree, which is here kept against the light.The two characters on the left, who are in the front and in the semi-darkness of the scene, also remain partially backlighted.The space between the tulle backdrop and the cyclorama, which is here only slightly backlit, is instead highlighted ...
Лирическая драма в четырех актах
Вена, Hofoper, 16/2/1892

художник по свету,
Роспись фонов
Paolino Libralato
Техническое руководство
Gian Franco Padovani


Видео и документация

Театр Карл Феликс Генуя, ''Вертер'' Beni Montresor

Paolino Libralato at work 1

Paolino Libralato at work 2

Используемые материалы


Типы ПВХ задников

ASC - Sceno


Beni Montresor

Мастера сценографии

BGO - Gobelin

Тюль и сетки

RTE - Temporale

Материалы для рир-проекции

Информация о защите данных