The ShowLED ChameleonЗвездные задники are equipped with RGB LEDs that reproduce the entire colour spectrum
Standard backdrops
- front fabric made of COT - Oscurante Teatro - lining made of HSV - Trevi - other fabrics or materials on demand
- LEDs' feeding and distribution inside
- perimetric finishing with WVE - Липучка
Standard sizes
- 12 x 3 m
- 9 x 4 m
- 7 x 5 m
- custom sizes and shapes on demand
- standard density: 6 LEDs per m²
- RGB colours with wide viewing angle
- ultra-flexible cables with 4, 12 or 16 LEDs
- male / female quick connectors
- fixing with WVE - Липучка disks
- possibility of replacing each individual LED
DMX compatible with 8 output channels and 2 DMX modes:
- control of preset chases (movement of the light along a LED strip), including speed of movement, minimum / maximum intensity, pattern behaviour;
- complete control of each output channel
stand alone device
manually programmable
saving the settings directly into the controller
control up to 256 RGB ShowLED Chameleon LEDs
(42 m² with the standard density of 6 LEDs per m²)
several backdrops can be controlled when linked together