
''Vanity Flare''

Villanuova sul Clisi (Italy)

The installation was carried out in an industrial archaeological site.The lighting designer Marco Amedani used ...
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... some slightly reflective panels to create a soft lighting and, at the same time, a series of windows that dilate the environment with a geometric and intentionally blurred three-dimensional depth
Using the blurred contrast of light and penumbra on the white and glossy surface of the white QLA - Laccato film ...
... the panels reproduced each on the other the lines of the illuminating segments ...
... integrating the bare architecture of the former cotton mill and painting them fuchsia.Each of the 11 panels measured 150 x 150 cm ...
... and it was framed by 4 lluminaires.The title of the installation (Vanity Flare) underlines its ineffable and allusive meaning ...
... by completing and transfiguring what the location suggests by itself.Of the enormous structure of a textile industry that arose from nothing at the end of the 19th century and developed from the work of thousands people ...
... what remains today an empty and redundant space, a probable warning about the uselessness of man's action and about humanity's uncertain future.
Meccaniche delle Meraviglia - X edizione
Vanity Flare

The artist is looking for new ways to interpret the light and at the same time its absence, creating an illumination endowed with a palpable emotional strength.

Используемые материалы

QLA - Laccato

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