
HSX - Sintex

Полиэстер искусственный шелк

HSX - Sintex 02. слоновая кость
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HSX - Sintex 95. серый
HSX - Sintex 45. красный
Ad Hok [adhɔk] A backdrop with пошив вгладь (без складок) made of HSX - Sintex fabric 02. ivory.The backdrop, which measures 8.5 x 2.6 m, was suspended ...
... by means of two curved Верхние рейки.The lighting on the two sides of the backdrop highlights the properties of the HSX - Sintex fabric, used here to create a sinuous and semi-transparent separation between two areas.The choice of the HSX - Sintex fabric for this installation ...
... was also made by the user in consideration of its diffusive properties, which imitate those of the HSE - Tempesta natural silk, and make it suitable for the stylized projections visible in this image.
Театр Карл Феликс, ''Весёлая вдова'' The large banquet table is set with a Ø 10 m round tablecloth made of 01. white HSX - Sintex.
HSX - Sintex 02. слоновая кость
HSX - Sintex is a synthetic silk of artificial origin.
It is an imitation of natural HSE - Tempesta silk, to which it is close for its silky softness and light reaction properties.
Very light, but heavier than the unrivaled HSE - Tempesta silk, it has some non-negligible advantages.
The 330 cm width, compared to the 140 cm of silk, is an aesthetic and economic advantage in the realization of backdrops.
The polyester composition also makes it much more resistant than natural silks and cheaper.
It is heavier, more matte and stronger than the similar HSP - Tempesta Poly.
Реакция на огонь
постоянный огнезащитный
UNI 9177 класс 1
100% полиэстер
55 г/м²
330 см
± 50 м
сложен пополам и свернут
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HSX - Sintex 01. белый02. слоновая кость45. красный95. серый

Этот материал использовался для...

Театр Карл Феликс, ''Весёлая вдова''

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Ad Hok [adhɔk]

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