
''Baldomero Pestana''

Santiago de Compostela

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... to the black and white images taken by the Galician photographer and a narration begins ...
... and invites the viewer to turn the corner and enter ...
... in the work of a great witness of the twentieth century.The white and opaque background of the walls brings out the images, while the curtains made of white HRS - Satenix fabric ...
... create semitransparent dividing lines which help to reflect and to diffuse the light ...
... and to illuminate the works on display.The exhibition also offers the public a glimpse into the equipment that Pestana used over the course of nearly a century of activity.
The HRS - Satenix backdrops have been made with 100% пошив с вертикальными складками making, Perfect Wave type ...
... and the creation of their articulated route required about 120 linear meters of TRX rail, including No. 10 curved segments, 90° and 50 cm radius.The tracks were installed at three different heights ...
Baldomero Pestana, la verdad entre las manos
30/4/2018 - 02/9/2018
Place of the installation
Instituto Cervantes de Santiago de Compostela

The exhibition «Baldomero Pestana. The truth in the hands» recovers the work of one of the great references of Hispanic-American photography of the twentieth century.
The extensive retrospective of Baldomero Pestana, born and deceased in the province of Lugo (Castroverde, 1917 - Bascuas, 2015), invites you to visit the places where he lived in his hazardous life (Buenos Aires since his early childhood, Lima, where he lived between 1957 and 1967, Paris, in the penultimate stage) before finally returning to his native Galicia in 2008.

Используемые материалы

Вертикальные складки

Типологии изделия из ткани

1T - TRX

Рельсовые системы

HRS - Satenix

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