
KFR - Forma 360

Формованная алюминиевая фольга

KFR - Forma 360 The fabric looks like in the picture ...
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... but it can be wrinkled ...
... and shaped.

The comparison between KFO - Forma 250, on the left, and KFR - Forma 360, on the right.
KFR - Forma 360 The fabric looks like in the picture ...
Wings made of KFO - Forma 250 with WOC - Люверсы C e WLA - Вязки.KFO - Forma 250 and KFR - Forma 360 are sewn creased only.
KFR - Forma 360 is a fine stainless steel yarn fabric.
It is plain-woven.
KFO - Forma 250 is a variant of it with a thinner thread and a more compact weave.
It is moldable, it is used to create three-dimensional surfaces and shapes and it can be painted.
It can be sewn and endowed with the finishes normally used with other fabrics (WOC - Люверсы C, WVE - Липучка, etc) with the exception of the overlock seam and edge.
The fabric is made up creased only and it is recommended to use it creased even when it is not made up.
The fabric is produced with artisanal processes and is characterized by the presence of small imperfections, such as chromatic variations between the manufacturing batches and uncontrollable oxidation phenomena.
Реакция на огонь
it is incombustible because of its stainless steel composition, metals are included (by way of example) in the following classes:
UNI 9177 class 0
EN 13501-1 class A
Materials made entirely of metal are considered incombustible without being tested and they are not expected to receive any type approval (Decision 96/603 / EC)
self-certification concerning the composition in stainless steel only
алюминий + клей на обратной стороне
360 г/м²
0,2 мм
150 см
25 м
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Rating 4.0
Rating 4.0
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Rating 5.0

в разрезе 5 м / 10 м / 15 м / 20 м
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KFR - Forma 360 00. сталь
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