
Римский оперный театр, ''Заида''


One of the characters of Mozart's unfinished opera crosses the stalls and heads towards the stage, which has been transformed into a real construction site, with scaffolding and the typical orange protective net.
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There is also a pile of sand, a yellow conveyor for the rubble, the red and white tape ...
... and the panels in corrugated galvanized metal sheet, while ...

... in a later scene, water is flowing copiously on the back of a large Прозрачный задник Гьячо.
The Прозрачный задник Гьячо, which measures 20 x h 10.43 m, was created, according to the indications of the set designer Italo Grassi and of the Scenographic workshop of the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma, with a finish along the bottom side that allows to collect and channel the water.
The QGH - Ghiaccio film was scenographed on the back to accentuate the effect of the flowing water.
незаконченная опера-зингшпиль в двух актах
Johann Andreas Schachtner
Italo Calvino
Frankfurt, Oper Frankfurt, 27/1/1866

Italo Grassi
Художник по свету
Giuseppe Di Iorio
Техническое руководство
Michele Della Cioppa
Graham Vick (1953-2021)


Видео и документация

Римский оперный театр, ''Заида''

Используемые материалы

QGH - Ghiaccio

Декоративные пленки

ZFG - Задники из QGH - Ghiaccio

Полупрозрачные задники

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