
Scenographic quadratures


Театр алла Скала, ''Дон Жуан'' Scene built with six Portals and a Backing flat.The Laboratorio scenografico del Teatro alla Scala created the structure of the Portals and subsequently covered them with ASC - Sceno с печатью muslin ...
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... and with the same technique this second scene was built, in which the theater hall is displayed by means of 4 Portals and a framed Backing flat made of ASC - Sceno с печатью muslin.The printed image, however, is only one and has been broken down into the 5 parts of the Scenographic quadrature, while in the previous case the same image was repeated over 20 times in decreasing dimensions.
Teatro Eslava, Мадрид Scenographic quadrature entirely made of painted white ASC - Sceno muslin.It is made up of 5 parts, of which 4 are framed: a Proscenium arch, measuring 9.8 x h 7.96 m, and 3 Portals and a not framed Backing flat closes the end.
Teatro alla Scala, ''Осуждение Фауста'' Scene composed of framed and shaped Half portals and Framed borders that outline a Бэклит-фон made of RAR - Arizona.The Half portals ...
... varied their position during the scene, being translated along the proscenium arch.It is one of the numerous scenographies that Margherita Palli conceived for Luca Ronconi's stagings.
Teatro Regio di Parma, ''Жанна д'Арк'' Scenographic quadrature with 7 Portals made up of Деревянные рамы and covered with painted ASC - Sceno muslin.
Театр алла Скала, ''Севильский цирюльник'' The scene has a scenographic Proscenium arch, a sort of three-dimensional framed Portal on which doors and windows also open.It was made up of a specific structure covered by painted ASC - Sceno muslin.
Римский оперный театр, ''Корсар'' Two Half portals made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin simulate a large open trompe l'oeil curtain.A backdrop always made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin acts as background.The interior of the Pasha's Palace ...
The Scenographic quadrature is made up of a succession of Portals, vertical scenic elements usually framed by means of Деревянные рамы or Металлические рамы, which, however, are sometimes also made without a frame.
Normally, Portals consist of two Flats connected at the top by a Framed border.
When the Portal has only one Flat, it is called Half portals.

Этот материал использовался для...

Декорации к фильму ''Ватель''

Кино, ТВ, Ads

Национальная опера Лотарингии, ''Кандид''

Оперетта, сарсуэла, мюзикл

Римский оперный театр, ''Корсар''


Театр Карл Феликс, ''Любовный напиток''


Театр алла Скала, ''Дон Жуан''


Театр алла Скала, ''Признанная Европа''


Театр алла Скала, ''Севильский цирюльник''


Театр алла Скала, ''Севильский цирюльник''


Театр dell'Opera dei Pupi

Занавесы для исторических театров

Театр Regio di Parma, ''Жанна д'Арк''


Teatro alla Scala, ''Золушка''


Teatro alla Scala, ''Осуждение Фауста''


Teatro Eslava

Занавесы для исторических театров

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