
Set pieces


Театр Municipal Сан-Паулу, ''Макбет'' The forest is represented with a series of Set pieces covered in black FMB - Macbeth 400 velvet which, in silhouette, mask a Бэклит-циклорама made of RNV - Nevada.
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Театр алла Скала, ''Севильский цирюльник'' A large proscenium arch, a three-dimensional Portal in which doors and windows open, frames the Sevillian square in front of Bartolo's house.The buildings are built by means of Set pieces ...
... made up of painted and framed ASC - Sceno muslin made by the Laboratorio scenografico del Teatro alla Scala that, with identical technique, prepared those of this next scene.A large backdrop made of ASC - Sceno muslin, painted with clouds, is used as the background for both scenes with a wide range of lighting situations.
Театр Real de Madrid, ''Белый ворон'' Роберт Уилсон transformed the proscenium into the jaws of a gigantic shark, ten Set pieces made of framed and painted ASC - Sceno muslin depict its teeth.
Театр Карл Феликс, ''Волшебная флейта'' On the sides of the scene, among the Flats made of painted ASC - Sceno muslin, some Set pieces built with the same technique depict six gigantic priests.In the center, a wheeled Ground row depicts the crown of the sun.
Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse, ''Le prophète'' The central structure is made up of framed Set pieces covered by ASL - Light Sceno с печатью light muslin.Front lighting is prevalent here ...
... while in this image the light muslin is sent in transparency with a slight backlight which highlights the wooden frames.
Театр Real de Madrid, ''Богема'' The reconstruction of nineteenth-century Paris, inspired by the streets of Montmartre, was made with Set pieces made up of painted and framed ASC - Sceno muslin.The glass windows ...
The Set pieces are shaped and small-sized scenic elements.
They are usually used to create perspective views of buildings or for scenographic constructions of various types.
Like the Flats, they can be framed, that is, with a wooden or metal frame covered with muslin or other fabrics.
Or they can be built and trolleyed.
The framed Set pieces of rectangular or square shape used to cover various openings (i.e. to close them as a background) are called Backing flats.

Видео и документация

Teatro alla Scala, ''Il barbiere di Siviglia'', Jean-Pierre Ponnelle

Этот материал использовался для...

Национальная опера Лотарингии, ''Кандид''

Оперетта, сарсуэла, мюзикл

Римский оперный театр, ''Фальстаф''


Театр Карл Феликс, ''Вертер''


Театр Карл Феликс, ''Волшебная флейта''


Театр алла Скала, ''Дон Жуан''


Театр алла Скала, ''Севильский цирюльник''


Театр Real, ''Белый ворон''


Театр Real, ''Богема''


Театр Real, ''Волшебная флейта''


Théâtre du Capitole, ''Le prophète''


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